Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy

Resources By Email is part of Communitize Limited (“Communitize”) which also includes our services Digital Doughnut, Demand Exchange and London Research. This cookie policy explains how we use cookies and the related personal information we collect about you when you use this website.

This cookie policy should be read in line with our terms and conditions and our privacy policy.


How we use cookies

This website uses cookies and similar technologies in order to distinguish you from other users. By using cookies we are able to provide you with a better experience and to improve our site by better understanding how you use it.

We have carefully chosen these cookies and have taken steps to ensure that your privacy and personal data is protected and respected at all times.

Your acceptance of our cookie policy is deemed to occur when you press the accept button on our cookie. If you do not agree to our cookie policy, please stop using our site immediately.

What types of cookies we use

All Cookies used by and on Our Site are used in accordance with current GDPR. We may use some or all of the following types of Cookie:

  1. Strictly Necessary Cookies
    A Cookie falls into this category if it is essential to the operation of the website, supporting functions such as logging in, your shopping basket, and payment transactions.
  2. Analytics Cookies
    It is important for us to understand how you use the website, for example, how efficiently you are able to navigate around it, and what features you use. Analytics Cookies enable us to gather this information, helping us to improve the website and your experience of it.
  3. Functionality Cookies
    Functionality cookies enable us to provide additional functions to you on the website such as personalisation and remembering your saved preferences. Some functionality cookies may also be strictly necessary cookies, but not all necessarily fall into that category.
  4. Targeting Cookies
    It is important for us to know when and how often you visit our website, and which parts of it you have used. As with analytics cookies, this information helps us to better understand you and, in turn, to make our website more relevant to your interests.
  5. Third Party Cookies
    Third party Cookies are not placed by us; instead, they are placed by third parties that provide services to us and/or to you. Third party cookies may be used [by advertising services to serve up tailored advertising to you on Our Site, or ] by third parties providing analytics services to us (these Cookies will work in the same way as analytics Cookies described above).
  6. Persistent Cookies
    Any of the above types of Cookie may be a persistent Cookie. Persistent cookies are those which remain on your computer or device for a predetermined period and are activated each time you visit the website.
  7. Session Cookies
    Any of the above types of Cookie may be a session cookie. Session cookies are temporary and only remain on your computer or device from the point at which you visit the website until you close your browser. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser.

Cookies on the website are not permanent and will expire.  

For more details of the personal data that we collect and use, the measures we have in place to protect personal data, your legal rights, and our legal obligations, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

For more specific details of the Cookies that we use, please refer to the table below.

What cookies does our site use?

The following first party Cookies may be placed on your computer or device:

Name of Cookie Type Purpose Strictly Neccessary
.ASPXFORMSAUTH Strictly Necessary Stores the user's encrypted authentication ticket when using forms authentication. Yes
ASP.NET_SessionId Session Keeps the user session ID for security reasons. Yes
CMSCsrfCookie Strictly Necessary Store's a security token that the system uses to validate all form data submitted via POST requests. Yes
CMSCurrentTheme Session Stores the name of the current visual theme to provide proper design to the dialog windows. Yes
CMSPreferredCulture Strictly Necessary Stores the visitor's preferred content culture. Yes
CMSPreferredUICulture Strictly Necessary Stores the preferred UI culture of the user. Yes
CMSViewMode Strictly Necessary Stores the user's current view mode. Yes
VisitorStatus Functionality Indicates if the visitor is new or returning. Yes
UrlReferrer Analytics Stores the URL referrer from which the user arrives on the website. Yes
Notification-id Strictly Necessary Stores the last notification banner closed by the user. Yes
incap_ses_456_728455 Session Relate HTTP requests to a certain session Yes
visid_incap_728455 Strictly Necessary Relate sessions to a specific visitor Yes

The following third party cookies may be placed on your computer or device:

Name of Cookie Type Purpose Provider Strictly Necessary
_ga Analytics Used to distinguish users. Google  No
_gid Analytics Used to distinguish users. Google  No
_gat Analytics Used to throttle request rate. Google  No
Fr Targeting Contains a unique browser and user ID, used for targeted advertising. Facebook No
Datr Functionality Used by Facebook to identify the users browser Facebook No
Sb Targeting Used by Facebook to improve friend suggestions Facebook No

Social sign in buttons

On many pages of our site we have installed social buttons from third parties. These allow our users to share pages and information that they find interesting on social networks they are registered with and to sign up to our websites via social media.

There may be scripts running from outside our domains, which we cannot control. If you click on these buttons they will be registering the information – including the fact that you visited our site – and in some cases could register this information, including the pages you look at, even if you do not click on the buttons but are logged in to their service.

For full information you should read the full privacy policies of each site:

Managing your cookies

Before Cookies are placed on your computer or device, you will be shown a Cookie pop-up bar requesting your consent to set those cookies. You may, if you wish, deny consent to the placing of cookies [unless those Cookies are strictly necessary]; however certain features of the website may not function fully or as intended.

In addition to the controls that we provide, you can choose to enable or disable cookies in your internet browser. Most internet browsers also enable you to choose whether you wish to disable all cookies or only third party cookies. By default, most internet browsers accept cookies but this can be changed. For further details, please consult the help menu in your internet browser or the documentation that came with your device

The links below provide instructions on how to control Cookies in all mainstream browsers:

Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge
(Please note that there are no specific instructions at this time, but Microsoft support will be able to assist)
Safari (macOS)
Safari (iOS)
Mozilla Firefox
Android (Please refer to your device’s documentation for manufacturers’ own browsers)

Our policy is in accordance with the relevant parts of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (“PECR”) and of EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Personal data means any and all data that relates to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified from that data, as defined by GDPR.

We keep our cookie policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This cookie policy was last updated on 25th April 2018.

This cookie policy should be read in line with our terms and conditions and our privacy policy.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our cookie policy contact us, by email or by post at Communitize Limited, 35 Kingsland Road, London E2 8AA United Kingdom.

Communitize Limited’s Data Protection Officer is Mike Backs and is contactable on